
Web UI Testing Frameworks: There could be only one

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To create good web applications, you need to test them. To test effectively, you need a good Web UI testing framework (which I will abbreviate as WUITF for the rest of this post. Catchy, no?). So, What Makes a Good WUITF? At its most basic, a WUITF should allow you to write tests using some […]

Geek Comic: Daily Standups

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Web Applications: the future of all development?

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Here is a crazy prediction: In 5 years, most applications will be built using what I like to call the JHC triumvirate (JavaScript, HTML, CSS). I’ll give you a second to gather yourself. You ok? Good. Now, let’s talk about why this may be. Since the dawn of time, people wanted to code once, but have […]

Keeping Up With Technology

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I do lots of job interviews and one of my favorite questions to ask is “How do you keep up with technology?“. The answers I usually get fall into three buckets: “I read lots of blogs and news” Given the pace of change in our industry, having a good blogroll is vital to keeping up […]

Geek Comic: Steps to Reproduce


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Goodbye to Paid TV


For whatever reason, cancelling paid TV became all the rage in 2010. Like others, we’ve been thinking about getting rid of DirecTV for some time now, but there was always something holding us back. Each time we got close to pulling the plug, a last minute protest would derail the plan and return us to […]

Devs Say the Darndest Things

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Software guys have great sayings. This may be surprising to some since we don’t usually associate mastery of the spoken word with geekdom. Nonetheless, there are some gems out there and I’ve compiled a short list of my favorites. Enjoy! “You can only have one baby in nine months no matter how many women you […]

Geek comic: Pair Programming

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I decided create a series of comic strips about software development. All artwork is done on an iPad using Autodesk’s awesome Sketchbook Pro app and a Boxwave Stylus. Enjoy! You may also like: DoodlingGeek Comic: Daily StandupsGeek Comic: Steps to ReproduceHow to Write a Children’s BookLogitech Keyboard for iPad

The Joy of RSS

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Whenever I talk to my geek friends about how they keep up with their favorite sources of information, the obvious answer is RSS. Yet most non-geeks I know don’t seem to be aware of it, much less use it. So, in an effort to correct this travesty, I’d like to make the case for RSS. […]

Living in Cloud City

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I make it a point to back up as much data as I can into the Cloud. I didn’t always do this, but there were two compelling events that forced me to change. My path to the Cloud The first compelling event was actually two events. Specifically, twice in my life I had my computer […]

The Software Team

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Software development is a team sport (Yes, I realize that lone wolf coders can accomplish amazing things, but that just doesn’t scale well). To succeed in a team sport, you need a good team. To understand how to build a good team, you may need to look to other team sports for guidance. Sports like basketball. In basketball, successful teams […]