Tagged “database”

How To Navigate JSON Trees in Postgres using Recursive CTEs

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Tutorial on using Postgres recursive Common Table Expressions (CTEs) to navigate a JSON tree structure.

Postgres Query Plan Visualization

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Postgres Explain Visualizer (Pev) is a tool I wrote to make EXPLAIN output easier to grok. It creates a graphical representation of the query plan.

How and When to Use Various GORM Querying Options

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Grails GORM supports five increasingly powerful querying mechanisms: 1) dynamic finders, 2) where clauses, 3) criteria, 4) HQL, and 5) SQL.

XML Databases

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JSON-oriented document stores like Mongo and Couch have really become the darlings of the web application crowd. Of course, JSON (or BSON) isn’t the only game in town. When it comes to document store formats, the other white meat if you will is XML.

Good Devs Don’t Like Magic

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Solutions of the “magical” variety go out of their way to hide (obfuscate?) the underlying implementation. They present the developer with a Faustian bargain: I’ll make it easy for you to get things done so long as you don’t question how I work.

Database Source Control Revisited


A while back I blogged about strategies for putting your database artifacts under source control. At the time, I thought that a schema synchronization approach (implemented by Visual Studio Database project) was the way to go. Among other things, it seemed more DBA friendly.

Managing Test Data

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To create functional tests for your web applications, you need data in your database. The crucial thing about this test data is that it should be stable. Otherwise, your tests are not deterministic and that makes them useless. For example, if your test uses an Employee record with ID = 100 and Name = “Bob Smith”, you […]

Database Source Control and Deployment

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All good devs know that your source code should be in source control. There are many reasons for this, but one of the most important ones is the ability to rebuild and deploy your entire application whenever you want. Database artifacts (tables, views, triggers, stored procs, etc) are an integral part of the application and […]