Archive for February, 2012

Newly Discovered Nostradamus Works Predict Technology Breakthroughs


BREAKING NEWS – A previously unknown book of quatrains by Nostradamus appears to predict key breakthroughs in the field of information technology.

Lipstick on a Pig is Not UX

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Microsoft’s new Visual Studio attempts to “engender the impression that VS feels lighter and less complex”. In other words, instead of radically rethinking what a great development experience would be like, they focused on obfuscating the problem.

“DevOps is Ruining My Craft”


Below is an excerpt from an interview with a disenfranchised systems administrator. All identifies have been kept anonymous to protect the innocent.

An Interview With Yours Truly

For some reason, the good people at the Code Project asked me to do an interview. I did and you can read the results here.

Good Devs Don’t Like Magic

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Solutions of the “magical” variety go out of their way to hide (obfuscate?) the underlying implementation. They present the developer with a Faustian bargain: I’ll make it easy for you to get things done so long as you don’t question how I work.

Why I Redesigned My Blog


I redesigned my blog recently to improve readability, create a nicer home page, organize content better, make it easier to gain Twitter followers, and make the whole thing look nicer.

My Most Spammed Posts

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Since I had so much fun writing about comment spam before, I just had to do it again. This time, I thought it would be interesting to see which posts were the most popular with spammers. The results might surprise you.